Installation of the Internet Browser [1/6]


The following Internet browsers are supported:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11


  •   Current Internet browser:
  •   Version of Internet browser:  
  •   Browser mode:
  •   Current operating system:
  •   Architecture of current system:

Result of the automatic browser check:

  • If a green check () appears, you are using a supported Internet browser version and you may proceed with the next preparation step.
  • If a yellow warning triangle () or a red stop sign () appears, you are using an unsupported Internet browser version. There is no information available whether this version works. To be sure install a supported version of an Internet browser.
  • Compatibility View is a feature of Internet Explorer which enables the browser to render a webpage almost identically to the way Internet Explorer 7 would render it. More information can be found on the respective Microsoft web page.
  • When selecting the JRE for download, you must ensure that the JRE mode matches the browser mode (32-bit/64-bit). Most browsers are currently running in 32-bit mode (including browsers running under Windows 64-bit).
  • Windows XP with IE8 only: Please consider installation of latest Windows fix pack in case certain pages are displayed incorrectly (error KB927917). Example: the progress indicator is never closed while opening a page.


  1. Download your favorite Internet browser straight from the manufacturer:
  2. Quit your currently running Internet browser.
  3. Install the downloaded Internet browser according the installation instructions of the manufacturer.
  4. Start the newly installed Internet browser, return to this page and continue with the client preparation.